Famous Paintings in the World

    We have a glorious history of some of the most famous paintings in the world. we get a glimpse of history from these masterpieces as well as a notion of human  genius - we do get to explore the vast  extent of human creativity. Let's talk about few such paintings:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1. Monalisa: The masterpiece composed by one of history's most renowned and celebrated composer, the Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci. It is the best known, the most visited, the most written art work in the world. It is the elusive modelling of forms and transcendental features of the composition that makes this an epic vision of the artist.


2.  The Starry Night  by Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most recognized paintings in the world  and brings forth a mind boggling effect on its viewer. It gives us a glimpse of , to what extent the painter can diversify his imagination as he himself said,

                                                    " a night sky unlike any other the world had ever seen with ordinary eyes"

3. Picasso and Braque's collaboration brings about the stunning display of a painting in reference to musical instruments or sheet music. 'Violin and Pallet' is such an example of Analytical Cubism, where the main motive of the artist was to feature the same item from different point of view.

4. Some notable Indian artists and their creation:

  • Self Portrait of Rabindranath Tagore is a prominent mention in this list because of Tagore's finesse and simplicity in making use of primitive pencil lines to enhance the contour and background of the portrait. 


  • The Three Pujarins by Jamini Roy - This phenomenal mastery of Jamini Roy makes a breathtaking appearance and is inspired from the traditional Bengali folk art with an array of striking and vibrant colours especially the use of the classic indigo colour - is somewhat a subtle way of voicing protest against the British Government in India.       

  •   Sakuntala by Raja Ravi Varma - The exuberance and playful representation of Sakuntala with all her elegance and beauty is mesmerizingly captured by Raja Ravi Varma in his composition 'Sakuntala'. It is not only the portrayal of Sakuntala's beauty but also talks about her innocence in a very subtle way through the imagination of the artist. This depiction serves as an exemplary creative genius of a wonderfully creative mind.  
