Painting ideas

 ' Ideas' the word opens up the vastness and variety of our wonderful world. But, in order to  materialize one's ideas he has to give it a shape. It can be manifested in the form of a sculpture or a painting. Now, when an artist's imagination takes shapes with the help of patterns, lines and comes to life with the use of extravagant and vibrant colours, the true portrayal of his ideas happen. What an amazing and mind blowing thought it is! that the Almighty has given us so much to draw inspiration from that, triggers the emotions inside man who picks some colours and a brush and starts scribbling on his canvas.

Inspiration from Nature:

We talked about ideas but from what an artist accumulates his ideas? An artist has an eye of appreciation and to appreciate and praise the Almighty, he draws his ideas or inspiration from His canvas, i.e. from the nature. It is Mother Nature's benevolence towards man and his thirst of meeting his desire and capturing her beauty and magnificence into his frame.

From time immemorial nature has opened its Pandora's box for painters and artists to draw inspiration from. When man did not communicate using verbal communication, painting and drawings took the center stage for communication and exchange of emotions. Nature with its abundance has enticed and allured painters to weave their creation and bow to its benevolence and be at awe. Artists draw ideas and inspiration from nature to relax and detox themselves and let the audience relish the masterpiece.

Inspiration from day to day life:

Artists are artists  and creative people are creative because they have the ability not only to portray but also highlight the routine life that goes on. Artist and creative people are different from ordinary people because they have the ability and spontaneity to materialize their imagination by drawing inspiration from lives of ordinary people and depicting their life style in their work.  
The day to day life of a society provides ample source of inspiration for an artist. It can come in the form of simple and ordinary perspective of a household to the portrayal of a protest through the eye of the creator.
yes, history tells us that man has always adopted the platform of arts; particularly the form of painting to voice their protests. 

 A drop of color might not mean anything to an ordinary man but to a painter, an artist it can form a pivotal factor around which his entire creative revolves. That's  where the magic of Abstract Art lies and it's uniqueness lies on how the painter visualizes it. 

Maybe, for this reason, the maestro Leonardo Do Vinci , himself remarked, “The mind of the painter must resemble a mirror, which always takes the colour of the object it reflects and is completely occupied by the images of as many objects as are in front of it.”
